Chapter 7: Moonlight Sonata

    As Pangloss lay in bed with Robin, a strange sensation began to creep through his body. Invisible tendrils of energy wrapped around his legs, slowly winding their way up to his torso. At first, it didn’t bother him. It reminded him of the feeling you get when your foot falls asleep—a tingling numbness followed by tiny pins and needles as the blood starts to flow again. But as the sensation grew stronger, it made him uneasy. Having never felt anything like it before, he knew it must be the mushrooms.

    The sensations crept up his body like vines wrapping around a tree, inching closer and closer to his pelvis. His heart raced with anticipation as the feelings reached his crotch, and his groin stirred to life, pressing itself against Robin’s leg. For a moment, she lay next to him, half asleep and motionless. Suddenly, her body shifted, her leg moving back and forth ever so slightly, as though testing the new presence that had sprung to life and pressed itself against her. She quickly opened her eyes and looked at Pangloss, who was both alarmed and aroused by the strange sensations. A smile crept across her face as she continued staring into his eyes, her leg moving back and forth as he grew.

    Something began to unfurl within him. His senses heightened, and the room seemed to breathe, its once straight lines now curved and organic. The air remained thick with the haze of Robin’s cigarette smoke, tinted a deep, almost crimson pink, as if the very atmosphere itself was aroused. They looked into each other’s eyes once more, and Pangloss noticed that the blue of her eyes now shone so brightly it seemed to glow from within.

    “What are you thinking about?” Robin’s voice said as it cut through the haze, her tone a blend of curiosity and amusement.

    Pangloss blinked, the world around him momentarily snapping back into focus. “I’m… I’m not sure,” he admitted, a slight tremor in his voice. “It’s like the room is alive, and there are feelings in my body that I’ve never experienced before that are kinda scary but feel good at the same time. And your eyes… they’re so… radiant.” 

    Robin smiled, “Anything else?”

    Pangloss looked past her for a moment. “The walls, they are covered in texture, and when the light shines in my eyes, I see geometric patterns that seem to undulate with the feelings inside of me. The whole room seems to be pulsing.”

    “Oh, I know. I can feel something pulsing against me right now,” she said with a mischievous smirk. She then moved her hand down his shoulder and along the small of his back, tracing her fingers down the side of his torso. As she softly caressed the skin, she worked her way down to his leg, causing him to shudder a little as the invisible force clenched around his whole body. As he took a deep breath she could see him becoming more and more aroused. A smile spread across her face as she moved her hand between his legs and gently placed it on top of the bulge in his underwear.

    “It seems you are about to awaken!” she whispered into his ear, then slowly worked her tongue delicately around his earlobe, the sounds of her saliva softly crackling in his ear drum. The room itself was alive as she slowly worked her tongue from his ear down to his neck and to his collarbone.

    “It’s like the world is a painting,” Pangloss murmured, his voice filled with awe. “And each moment is just a single stroke of the brush.”

    Robin nodded with a smile, her eyes never leaving his. “That’s exactly it,” she said softly. “We’re part of the art. Part of the beauty. And everything is connected, including you and I. It shifts your consciousness,” she said softly. “There is no going back once you’ve seen past the illusion and have experienced the beauty and magic hidden in the details.”

    As they spoke, the room seemed to grow darker, the shadows undulating in waves, the corners of the room growing deeper, more mysterious. But in the midst of this darkness, there was a sense of safety, of comfort. They were together, two tortured souls cuddling amidst the darkness all around them.

    Robin’s touch was electric, each brush of her hand against his skin sending a jolt of sensation through him. He could feel the texture of the sheets beneath him, every crinkle and fold, as if they were alive with energy. When her nails traced a path down his chest, he felt each individual strand of hair stand on end, each tiny bump of skin responding to her touch.

    His breath stuttered as she moved her hand again, her fingers grazing the edge of his waistband. The air between them crackled with anticipation, the room’s pulsing energy mirroring the beating of his heart. Robin’s eyes, now almost luminescent in the dim light, held his gaze with an intensity that seemed to pierce through to his very soul.

    “Do you trust me?” she whispered, her voice a soft caress against his ear.

    Pangloss nodded. His body hummed like a high voltage live wire, every nerve ending alight with sensation.

    “Good,” she murmured, her hand slipping beneath the waistband of his underwear. Her touch was both gentle and insistent, her fingers exploring with a deliberate slowness that made him gasp. The sensation was overwhelming, a heady mix of pleasure and the lingering strangeness of the mushrooms. Robin’s movements were hypnotic, drawing him deeper into a state of heightened awareness. The boundaries of his body seemed to blur, his senses merging into a singular, all-encompassing experience. The room’s colors and textures swirled around them, a vibrant tapestry of light and shadow that seemed to pulse in time with their breaths.

    As Robin’s hand continued its exploration, Pangloss felt a surge of emotion welling up within him. It was a raw, primal feeling, a blend of desire, fear, and an almost overwhelming sense of connection. He had never felt so exposed, so utterly vulnerable and alive. Robin’s touch grew more insistent, her movements a symphony of sensation that played along his nerves. Each stroke, each caress, sent ripples of pleasure through his body, building to a crescendo that left him trembling. He could feel the tension coiling within him, a tight knot of anticipation that begged for release.

    Robin paused, her fingers resting lightly against his skin as Pangloss’s breath came out in ragged gasps, his body taut with unspent energy. 

    “Hold that thought,” she whispered, her voice a soothing balm against the tempest within him. “I need to freshen up.” She gave him a lingering kiss on the lips, then slipped out of bed, her movements graceful and unhurried.

    As the distant sound of the bathroom door clicked shut behind her, the room seemed to darken once more. The shadows grew longer, and the vibrant colors that had danced before his eyes began to fade into muted tones. It was as if the light itself had dimmed, retreating in her absence. The silence felt thicker, more oppressive, and the air seemed to weigh heavier on his skin. Without Robin, the room felt colder, less alive, and the pulsing energy that had filled every corner now ebbed away. He could hear the distant hum of the bathroom fan, a stark contrast to the electric ambiance that had filled the room moments before.

    He lay there, staring up at the ceiling, and time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each second a small eternity. He could hear his own heartbeat, a steady drumbeat in the quiet darkness. Closing his eyes, strange color patterns danced across his mind. Just as he began to feel truly alone, the bathroom door creaked open. Robin reappeared, and as she moved closer, the light seemed to follow her, filling the space with a gentle warmth. The air felt lighter, more breathable, and the colors began to return, vibrant and alive once more. The pulsing energy returned, stronger than before, as if her mere presence reignited the room’s vibrancy but deeper and more intense. Pangloss felt his body respond instantly, every nerve ending sparking with sensation.

    “I’m back,” she whispered, her lips brushing against his ear. “Did you miss me?”

    Pangloss nodded, his voice caught in his throat once more. The room pulsed with energy, now a living, breathing entity again. Robin’s eyes locked onto his, the connection between them palpable.

    “Let’s pick up where we left off,” she whispered, and with a slow, deliberate motion, Robin seductively removed her blouse, revealing a lacy bra underneath. With a teasing motion, she let her panties drop to her knees, then to the floor. Stepping out of them gracefully, she climbed back on top of him and with another quick motion, her bra joined her underwear on the floor. The mattress shifted under her weight, and Pangloss felt a rush of relief as her warmth rested against his body once more.

    “I’ve never…” Pangloss began, his voice faltering with a mix of nerves and excitement. “I’ve never…”

    Robin placed a gentle finger on his lips, her touch soothing. “Shhhh,” she whispered, her voice a soft caress. “You don’t have to say it. I know. Don’t be scared. I’ll show you. Some people can’t even tell the difference.”

    She held his face in her hands, her fingers slightly tangling in his hair. Their eyes met, locking in a moment of intense connection and longing. Robin’s hands moved down to his chest, her touch sending shivers through his body. “I’ve got you,” she whispered, her voice a soothing balm. “Just let go.”

    Pangloss nodded, feeling a mix of vulnerability and excitement. He reached up, tracing the outline of her face with his fingers, marveling at the softness of her skin. “I trust you,” he murmured.

    She smiled, a blend of mischief and warmth in her eyes. “Good,” she said, leaning in to kiss him deeply, her breath mingling with his. “This is just the beginning,” she promised, her voice full of anticipation.

    “Are you ready?” she asked.

    Pangloss’s heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he looked at her. “I’m ready,” he said softly, his voice full of resolve. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of his underwear again, slowly pulling them down to reveal his erection. 

    “Ooo, well, hello there,” she said, her eyes fixed on his groin with a mischievous smile. 

    Pangloss grinned back at her, feeling a rush of excitement as she examined him with a playful, naughty glint in her eye. She grabbed the lube from the nightstand, then crawled back onto the bed and positioned herself between his legs. She squirted some lube on her hand, looked at the label, and said, “Mmm, watermelon.”

    She then grabbed him around the base of his penis and began running her slick, lube-covered hands up and down his shaft, adjusting her grip with a strong, steady rhythm. He looked down into her deep blue eyes that burned hot with desire as she moved her mouth into position. She maintained eye contact with him as she worked the head with the tip of her tongue. Then, with a smooth, deliberate motion, she took it into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it in long, soft strokes. The professor couldn’t help but arch his back a little as she moved, and he felt himself grow harder as he slipped deeper inside her mouth. His breath quickened as he watched Robin’s every move, her fingers skillfully working his length, her tongue dancing along the sensitive skin. Robin then lifted herself up and straddled him, her eyes locking on to his.

    “This is my temple,” she said in a hushed tone, “and you’re welcome to come inside.”

    With a delicate, yet firm grip on his shaft, Robin gracefully slid down onto him, her body shuddering with pleasure as a soft, sensual moan escaped her lips. The sensation was intense, causing Pangloss to groan as he felt her warmth envelop him. Robin paused for a moment, teasingly leaving just the tip inside of her, which made Pangloss’s body ache with anticipation. As she began to move again, she adjusted the angle of her hips, allowing him to slide deeper inside until he filled her entirely. Her hips swayed in a slow, rhythmic motion, drawing Pangloss in deeper with each movement, the sensation both overwhelming and utterly intoxicating. Robin’s hands traced patterns on his abs, her nails lightly scraping against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Her eyes, dark with desire, met his, and he saw in them a reflection of his own passion.

    “Now, let go,” she murmured softly as she rocked back and forth, “Just let everything else fade away.”

    Pangloss nodded, his hands finding her hips, his fingers gripping her skin as they moved together in a beautiful, intimate waltz. The room was filled with the sound of their breaths, their whispered words, and the soft creak of the bed beneath them.

    “It’s never felt anything like this before.” Pangloss murmured, his voice a blend of awe and desire.

    She leaned closer and giggled, her breath warm against his cheek. “I know,” she said, her voice a gentle whisper. “Mushrooms make everything so… intense. It makes it so much easier for me to cum sometimes. Here,” she said as she rose slowly along his length before sinking back down again, “give me your hands.”

    Pangloss lifted his hands to hers and their palms pressed together as she moved with him. She slowed for a moment, rocking gently, and guided one of his hands to the base of her pelvis. Pressing his palm against her clit, she moved in slow, circular motions until he took over. He watched her body react to his touch as her legs shivered with each rotation.

    With a playful grin, she took his other hand and guided it to the sensitive spot where her leg met her cheek. She then led his fingers down through the crevice, tracing the curve of her body until they reached the slippery entrance. His fingers rested against the sticky moistness and his own shaft which throbbed in anticipation.

    “Tease me,” she whispered, her voice a soft command.

    “Oh God,” he moaned softly, his voice steady and filled with longing. “I want you, every day, every moment.”

    Robin’s smile was radiant, her eyes sparkling with joy. “Then you shall have me,” she promised, her voice a soft vow. “We have all the time in the world, my love.”

    In the warm glow of their passion for each other, they moved together with a fluid grace, as if the world around them had faded away, leaving only the two of them in this moment of pure connection. The soft rustle of the sheets, the beads of sweat glistening on their skin, the tender sighs, and the synchronized movement of their forms created a symphony of sensation, each note more powerful than the last. As time began to fade their movements became more urgent, more intense, as if each touch, each kiss, each shared breath was a desperate attempt to make the moment last forever.

    Robin began to moan, the moans growing louder with each thrust inside, filling the room with the intoxicating sounds of pure pleasure. She guided his hand against her clit again applying more pressure and increased speed. As his hand worked its magic, her body began to tremble, and her moans erupted into a powerful climax.

    As her moans echoed through the room, a deep bassy rumbling sound grew in the background, and her shadow on the ceiling began to morph. In an instant, two wings sprouted from her shadow, spreading from one side of the room to the other. The wings were a deep, velvety black, with feathers that seemed to absorb light itself, casting an ominous darkness over the room. They were both beautiful and terrifying, filling Pangloss with a profound horror that transcended all understanding. Yet, amidst this dread, he felt an unstoppable desire. His deepest, darkest, most unspoken fear had transformed into an all-consuming need that he craved more than life itself.

    As the walls around them erupted in a cacophony of banging and the floor seemed to shake with the force of her ecstasy to distract him, his focus never left her, the dark sensation overtaking his entire body as madness ensued around them. The invisible force inside of him clenched once more at the base of his spine causing his blood to boil over with pleasure, then flood from the center of his loins and flow deep inside of her. Nothing could hold back the flow as it spilled out around the sides of his shaft as her body made one final upward movement before thrusting down against his pubic bone.

    The fear, excitement, and pleasure drove the demon within Pangloss to lift his back from the sweat-soaked sheets, his hands moving to Robin’s shoulder blades. With a fierce grip, he dug his nails into her skin, pulling himself deeper inside. She moaned in delight as he reached around to the scruff of her neck, his teeth grazing her skin as he took hold of her like a lion. Her body instinctively became limp and submissive in response to his bite. For the first time since they had met, Pangloss felt a sense of complete and utter control over her now docile and delicate body. He bit down harder, and she arched her back, a wave of relaxation sweeping over her as he pushed himself deeper inside. He could feel her body melt into his embrace as he continued to hold her neck gently between his teeth. With a single, powerful movement, he released all of his pent-up desire in one final, throbbing thrust.

    Exhausted, they collapsed onto the bed and Robin rolled off to lie next to him. They turned to face the ceiling, the room filled with the sound of their heavy breathing. As they gasped for air the remnants of their climax lingered above the bed, slowly dissipating as it left their bodies, leaving them in a state of blissful exhaustion. The room grew silent again except for the sounds of their steady breathing.

    “Holy shit, that was incredible,” Pangloss said after catching his breath, “I’ve never…”

    “Stop saying that,” Robin interrupted with a giggle, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “There’s a lot of things you’ve never experienced that I want to show you.” She gently intertwined her fingers with his, closing them around his hand. With a tender tug, she pulled his hand close, burying her head in his chest as she snuggled against him.

    “What was that rumbling sound?” Pangloss asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

    “What sound? I didn’t hear anything,” she replied with an innocent look on her face.

    “It was loud, it started like a deep bass and then as you started… you know… it was like people were banging on the walls and the ground was shaking,” he explained, still perplexed.

    “Oh, I don’t know. I was so caught up in the moment that I might have missed it,” she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “It was probably just the light rail.”

    “Ahhh, okay, yeah, you’re probably right,” he replied, still a bit confused but willing to accept her explanation. “Those mushrooms were no joke. They really took me on a wild ride.”

    “But you liked it. Right?” she asked with an excited tone, her eyes searching for confirmation.

    “There are no words to describe it,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and confusion.

    “And now?” she inquired.

    â€œI can still feel them, but for a moment, everything felt so dark and distant, like I was in some chaotic alternate reality,” he confessed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as if replaying the experience in his mind.

    “It’s like that sometimes,” she said, her voice soft and reassuring. “The mushrooms can take you on a journey, from light to dark and back again, but remember, it’s all in your head. You’re safe here with me and the feelings will eventually go away.”

    â€œHow long do they last?” he inquired.

    “Oh, it might take a few hours, but you could experience an afterglow effect that lingers into tomorrow and possibly even into the week. It really depends on how many of your inner demons you are able to confront and slay during your journey,” she said, her eyes narrowing with an evil gleam.

    Pangloss took a deep breath, his heart still racing. “It’s like I was facing my deepest, darkest fears head-on,” he said, his voice trembling slightly. “The kind that lurk in the repressed recesses of your mind.”

    Robin nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Exactly. And the more you confront them, the more you grow. It’s a transformative experience.”

    He looked at her, his eyes a mixture of wonder and intrigue. “I never anticipated it feeling like this,” he murmured, his voice tinged with disbelief. “It’s nothing like what I imagined.”

    “Good!” she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. “That’s exactly the point—to push beyond your limits, to experience something new, and for the first time, to get introduced to your true self.”

    Pangloss hesitated, then asked, “But what about you?”

    She chuckled, the sound low and almost musical. “Oh, I have my fair share of demons. Everyone does. But it’s not always about slaying them. Sometimes, it’s just about understanding them.”

    He nodded then, with eyes closed, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. He could feel the texture of her mouth, the wetness of her kiss, and he breathed in her breath as if it were the very essence of life itself.

    “I wanted to ask you something,” Robin said, her voice a gentle whisper. “It’s a question I usually ask people when I’m getting to know them, but it never came up during our car ride.”

    Pangloss tilted his head, his curiosity piqued. “What is it?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine interest.

    Robin hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. “It might sound a little weird at first, but I want you to think about it carefully before you give me your choice.”

    “Oh, so I have to choose something?” he said, intrigued by the mysterious nature of her question.

    “Yes,” Robin confirmed with a nod. “You have to make a choice. It’s sort of like an inkblot test. It’s about your gut reaction, your instinctive response.”

    Pangloss smiled, a spark of excitement in his eyes. “Hmmm, sounds interesting. Go ahead, you can ask me.”

    Robin took a deep breath, gathering her courage before she spoke. “Okay, here it is. Picture this: you have one chance to choose between two distinct moments in time. You can only select one, and once you’ve made your decision, you’ll be instantly transported to that moment in time, with no opportunity to reconsider. From that moment on, you must live out your life from that point forward, unable to revisit any other point in history. Do you follow?”

    Pangloss nodded, his expression serious. “I understand. I can only choose one moment, and once chosen, I live from that point on without any possibility of return.”

    “Perfect!” she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “But remember, this choice will completely transform the course of your life. Whichever moment you choose, your current life as you know it will cease to exist, except for your memories of it.”

    “Alright, I get it. So what two moments do I get to choose from?” he asked, trying to suppress his excitement.

    “Before I tell you,” she said, “I want to reiterate that this is about your gut reaction. You have to promise that you’ll give me your honest, immediate response without stalling or overthinking. Do you promise?”

    “How much time do I have to make a decision?” Pangloss asked.

    “Ten seconds,” she replied.

    “Ten seconds?” he said, eyes wide. “That’s not much time, but I suppose it’s enough to give you my gut reaction.” He nodded in agreement.

    “Perfect,” she said, her face lighting up with excitement. “Just remember, you get one chance to choose between two moments in time. Once you pick, you’re stuck there forever. No take-backs.”

    “Got it,” Pangloss replied, feeling a little excited.

    “Okay,” she began,” the first moment to choose from is…” She paused for dramatic effect. “The night you lost your virginity.”

    “Ooo, that’s not what I was expecting,” Pangloss said, his eyes narrowing in surprise.

    Robin laughed, her voice ringing out like a bell. “See, I told you it was a bit unusual. But no stalling ok? You promised. The second moment that you get to choose from is the moment in time when Beethoven played Moonlight Sonata for a live audience for the first time.”

    “Wow! How did you come up with this?” Pangloss asked, his voice filled with awe.

    “You’ve got 10 seconds, professor, and it starts now,” she said firmly.

    “Okay, okay, let me think about it…” Pangloss said, his brow furrowing deep in thought.

    “Nine, eight, seven…” she counted down.

    “Well, it seems like a no-brainer at first, but then you have to stop and think a little bit more…” Pangloss continued, his voice trailing off.

    “Four, three, two…” she interrupted.

    “What is Moonlight Sonata?” he said with a smile, his eyes twinkling.

    “Ding, ding, ding, ding! That’s the correct answer!” she exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably and clapping her hands together like a child. She leaned in, her eyes closed, and their lips met in a slow, passionate kiss.

    As they pulled away, Robin’s fingers gently intertwined with his again, pulling him in close. “You made the right choice, Professor,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “Now, tell me, what went through your mind while making the decision?”

    Pangloss paused, contemplating her question. “Well, the first thing that struck me was how hard it was to compare the two moments. My instant reaction was that my first time wasn’t all that noteworthy.”

    “It sucked, right?” Robin said with a smirk.

    “Yeah, sort of. I mean, it wasn’t horrible, but it’s hard to imagine it making my top 100,” Pangloss replied.

    “No, it probably wouldn’t. It’s not that great for most people,” she agreed. “The first time I bought myself a bra was more exciting than when I lost my virginity. I was so giddy and nervous that my palms were sweating. It felt like I was finally a woman, as if I were claiming a part of my identity for the first time.”

    “Oh wow,” he said thoughtfully “I never imagined what that would feel like.”

    “Losing my virginity was awkward and clumsy,” she said, “and not all that memorable.”

    “Same for me. I was sort of glad it was finally over with I guess,” he replied.

    “I know, right?” she agreed. “It’s one of those moments that you build up so much in your mind, but when it happens the reality often falls way short.”

    “But isn’t choosing Moonlight Sonata also about choosing a completely different life than this one,” he continued.

    “Yes, you hit the nail on the head, Professor. At its core, the question isn’t so much about comparing the two moments. Most, if not all, people agree that hearing Beethoven live would be a far more profound experience than their first time,” Robin replied. “But choosing your first time is like opting for a mulligan, like in the movie Groundhog Day. It’s a chance to redo a significant portion of your life, hoping it turns out better.”

    “Huh, yeah, I see what you’re saying. I didn’t have time to think about it all that much, but a part of me thought that it would be better to be someone else rather than myself,” Pangloss mused. “It’s very interesting, though, because how I would live my life differently didn’t even cross my mind—at least not in words.”

    I want you to imagine something else now,” she said. “Imagine that you’re 15 years old and haven’t lost your virginity yet. Would that change your decision?”

    “You know, that’s an interesting perspective,” Pangloss replied. “I definitely see where you’re going with this. Losing your virginity is something we all fantasize and obsess about, so if you’ve never experienced sex, you might choose that moment instead.”

    “Absolutely, some young people might prefer to experience their first time over listening to Moonlight Sonata live, because they are just really eager to experience adulthood.”

    “But here’s a question,” Pangloss said, leaning in with a curious expression. “I assume you could still have sex once you’re there, right? There’s no rule saying you can never have sex again, is there?”

    “No, definitely not,” she clarified. “The assumption is you would be able to live out your life like anyone else back then, which would include finding a partner and maybe even having children.”

    “That brings up an intriguing point,” Pangloss mused. “I chose Moonlight Sonata without knowing what kind of body I’d inhabit upon arrival. What if it turned out to be an 80-year-old man with only a week left to live?”

    “That definitely changes things, doesn’t it?” Robin agreed. “The real question is, what would it take for you to change your decision?” she continued. “Do you arrive in the body of a child? What if you were a woman? Are you rich or poor? What would make you reconsider?”

    “And this is precisely why you limited me to 10 seconds,” Pangloss quipped, a grin spreading across his face. “I was contemplating the very same thing but didn’t have time to think it all the way through. While I’m perfectly comfortable with my current body, the uncertainty of inhabiting someone else’s body in a different time period is a little daunting. I suppose I assumed I would be placed in the body of someone who would be attending one of Beethoven’s concerts.”

    “Yes, and there’s an implication that if they are attending one of his concerts, they are probably well off or even nobility,” she replied.

    “True, there weren’t many poor people who would have attended something like that,” Pangloss agreed.

    “Exactly,” Robin replied. “So for many people, whether consciously or unconsciously, choosing Moonlight Sonata might mean upgrading their status in society. Even for successful people today, they wouldn’t have to give up all their success to make the choice.”

    Pangloss nodded deep in contemplation.

    Robin leaned back, her eyes thoughtful. “Now, imagine you are 4 years old with no perception of what either of those things are. You have no frame of reference to even begin understanding the consequences of choosing one or the other.”

    Pangloss chuckled softly. “At that age, the idea of losing your virginity or listening to Beethoven live would be completely abstract. A 4-year-old wouldn’t understand the significance of either choice.”

    “Absolutely,” Robin agreed. “A child would likely choose something based on immediate gratification or a whim, not understanding the deeper implications.”

    “That sounds about right,” Pangloss replied, then continued, “But now that I’m thinking about it, Beethoven lived in a time before air conditioning, before refrigerators, and before automobiles. He lived in a time when humans hadn’t even dreamed of flying.”

    “Not exactly true. They did have hot air balloons back then,” she corrected.

    “Okay, you’re probably right,” he conceded. “However, it wasn’t a method of travel that an ordinary person could utilize to reach a precise location by simply purchasing a ticket.”

    “No, probably not,” she agreed.

    “You know, there’s something else I’ve been contemplating,” he said, his voice growing more serious. “We’ve advanced so much as a society since then, both culturally and politically. It might be hard to deal with all the injustices that existed back then. You’d be choosing a time when women, people of color, and queer people were treated horribly.”

    “This question comes up quite often, which is part of why I put a 10 second limit on the choice. Do you regret your decision?” she asked, watching his expression closely.

    “A little, maybe,” Pangloss admitted. “I’m starting to realize that I might not have considered all the ways life is better today than it was during Beethoven’s time.”

    “Yes, but just like with air travel, you could be the person who brings about change in the world,” she said, her eyes lighting up with possibility. “You could be John Stuart Mill or Thomas Paine—you could be the one history remembers.”

    Pangloss nodded slowly, the weight of her words sinking in. “That’s true. I could use my knowledge and values to influence positive change.”

    â€œYou could be anyone you wanted to be.” She agreed.

    “Okay, I understand your reasoning behind presenting the choice between experiencing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and losing my virginity,” he said to her. “But now I’m beginning to ponder what would I choose if I compared Moonlight Sonata to other significant moments in history.”

    “I’m so glad you mentioned that because I was about to ask you to envision something else. Imagine this for me. Imagine that you are Beethoven now, and you are given the choice between performing Moonlight Sonata for the first time or… Drum roll, please,” she said, mimicking the sound of drums with her hands against the bed.

    “… Being the first man to step on the moon,” she said, a look of satisfaction on her face.

    “Wow!” he said, his eyes wide with wonder. “I’m imagining that scenario right now. How does one even make such a choice? I’d assume he would choose the moon. Is that the wrong choice?” he asked, seeking her reaction.

    “It’s difficult to say since we can’t ask him directly, but I believe you’re likely correct,” she replied with a wink.

    “Yes, landing on the moon would certainly surpass Moonlight Sonata live,” he agreed. “It would definitely beat losing your virginity too.”

    “Oh for sure! The moment when a human being first set foot on the moon is arguably one of the most historic and memorable moments in human history. As a species, we will likely remember that moment for as long as we can remember that our home planet is Earth,” she explained. “But don’t be so quick to assume all moon landings are equal, Professor.”

    “Remind me of something, would you? If I ever land on the moon, please remind me to play Moonlight Sonata during the descent,” he said with a mischievous grin.

    â€œOh my God, that’d be epic!” She said while laughing.

   “But, as you were saying, not all moon landings are equally significant?”

    “This is a special moment in time,” She said, “a moment in which we’ve shot ourselves past the thin blue atmosphere of our planet out to the bottomless pit of space. Although stepping foot on the moon will always be impressive to most people, it may happen at a point in history that is less romantic than Beethoven’s, or ours.”

    â€œSo what you’re saying is that we have to remember this isn’t just about comparing moments but also about what it would be like to live during that period of time.”

    â€œPrecisely,” She said. “If you had more time to think about it before making your decision you might have chosen your virginity because you have the possibility today to not only fly like a bird but to sail yourself to the moon.”

     â€œCan I take it back?” He asked with a grin.

    â€œNope,” she said with a giggle, “it’s already done. You have to live with your choice forever now.”

    With a gentle smile, Pangloss leaned in and their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. His hand softly cupped the side of her face as their lips moved in a slow, deliberate dance.

    “I have one more choice for you, Professor,” she murmured, her lips still brushing against his.

    “I thought you said it was already decided,” he quipped.

    “Well, not exactly,” she replied. “There’s still one more thing to consider.”

    Robin looked deeply into Pangloss’s eyes and asked, “What about Moonlight Sonata and this moment with me tonight? Which one would you choose?”

    Pangloss closed his eyes, a wave of emotion washing over him. Tears began streaming down his cheeks, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that tears were running down Robin’s face as well. He gently moved a strand of hair away from her face, then pulled her in closer. They lay there in silence, their eyes locked, the dim light casting a soft glow on Robin’s fire-blue eyes.

    “So, I take it you enjoyed tonight?” Robin asked softly, her voice a gentle whisper.

    Choking back tears, Pangloss laughed and replied, “More than anything.”

    “I’m glad!” she exclaimed as she bit her lip playfully. “From now on, you have a benchmark to compare every other moment,” she said softly. “I’m always imagining how to create moments in this life that I would choose over that beautiful moment – the moment when Beethoven’s surgical blade began reshaping humanity’s perception of beauty.”

    “Well, you’re doing a fantastic job,” he said.

    “Thank you,” she replied, her tone playful and light. “And now I think it’s time.”

    â€œTime for what?” He asked.

    She paused for a moment choosing her words. “We’re already dead professor, you and I.” she said with a mysterious tone. “So why don’t we just start over?”

    “I’d start over with you,” he replied with a sincere look in his eyes.

    “I’m glad you said that,” she said, then gave him a playful peck on the lips. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

    As she got up from the bed Pangloss held onto her hand, reluctant to let go of the tips of her fingers until she had moved too far away for him to hold on any longer. Her footsteps echoed softly down the hallway to the dance floor as she walked. Pangloss laid on the bed quietly listening to the distant sounds of her rustling about, his mind conjuring up images of what she might be searching for.

    After a few moments of silence, he heard the distinct pop of a turntable needle being placed on a record. The room filled with the soft, crackling sound of the needle finding its groove, followed by the somber, haunting sounds of a piano.

    When Robin returned to the doorway, she paused for a moment, her silhouette striking a perfect pose in the darkness, showcasing her elegant curves and beautiful form, all draped in shadows. She now wore a Cleopatra wig with short bangs and medium-length straight black hair. In a deliberate, seductive pose, she held a piece of paper in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, smoke trailing behind her. In that moment, as the somber sound of Beethoven echoed down the hallway, Pangloss thought to himself that Robin must be the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

    “There we are,” she said, her voice drifting down the hallway carrying with it a hint of mystery “’Sonata quasi una fantasia.’ That’s the original name if you didn’t know. We have to set the scene, professor, if this spell is going to work.”

    “A spell?” He asked with a hint of surprise.

    “Yes, of course! How else did you think we’d be able to travel back in time? Travel to see Beethoven with our own two eyes?” she responded with a hint of amusement, taking a slow, deliberate drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her words.

    The professor laughed a little, but the laughter quickly faded as a strange feeling gripped him. He realized it wasn’t just the mushrooms; there was something in her voice that suggested this was no mere joke. His heart raced, and his mind began to entertain the possibility that he had truly experienced something ‘real’ tonight—something beyond the reach of words.

    “As I recite these words, listen closely to the music,” she instructed, her voice taking on a rhythmic, almost hypnotic quality, the smoke from her cigarette swirling around her. With a slow exhale, she began:

The sundial’s shadow,

But in reverse,

Sailing time’s ocean,

To hear it first.

The moon’s cold light,

Fate’s ghostly keys,

The whispers of sorrow

On night’s somber breeze.

The lines once straight,

We must now bend,

To dream this dream

Which waking will not end.

    As she finished, she moved towards him with a grace that seemed almost supernatural. Her silhouette glided through the dark hallway, weaving in and out of shadows, tracers trailing behind her like spectral companions. It was as if alternate versions of her from different dimensions had converged in this moment, dancing in perfect harmony with the haunting, echoing melody of the piano and the ghostly spirals of smoke from her cigarette.

    “Now, I want to introduce you to the practice of Yab-Yum,” she purred seductively, her voice a velvety caress. She flicked the cigarette away as she approached the bed, her movements fluid and graceful. Pangloss couldn’t help but notice a subtle transformation. With her black wig framing her face like Uma Thurman and the music filling the room, she exuded a power and grace that left him spellbound. There was a palpable shift in her demeanor as she shed her previous self and embraced a new persona, leaving Pangloss feeling as though he was in the presence of someone completely different.

    â€œIs that buddhism?” He asked.

    â€œYes, specifically the tradition of tantric sexual practice.” She replied, “Come sit with me here and I will guide your body.”

    Robin sat down in the middle of the bed and Pangloss joined her. 

    “Sit up straight and cross your legs,” she softly commanded, the sounds of the piano still filling the room as Pangloss moved into position. Robin then sat in his lap, wrapped her legs around his waist, and draped her arms around his shoulders.

    â€œNow put your arms around my waist” she said in a soothing tone. “Yab-yum symbolizes the sacred union of Masculine and Feminine.” She explained, “Prajna or the feminin represents wisdom,” she said while looking deeply into his eyes. “And upaya, the masculine, represents compassion.”

    Pangloss nodded in understanding as she continued.

    â€œYour lingam” she said as she reached down and softly held his penis in her hand, “must enter my yoni and we must weave together wisdom with compassion in order to escape maya – the illusion which binds us to this reality.”

    As the energy surged within him once more, Pangloss could feel himself becoming erect in her hand. 

    “Breathe with me,” she said. “Breathe in and hold…”

    They both took in a slow, deep breath that filled their lungs and expanded their diaphragms. She continued to softly hold his erect penis in her hand as the connection between them intensified.

    â€œNow release your breath.” She said as she slowly exhaled. 

    With a deliberate, yet tender motion, she guided his lingam into her yoni, their bodies melding together. As she swayed her hips, the tendrils of energy that were coiled at the base of his spine now unfurled again, weaving their way up his lingam and into her body. He could feel the energy pulling from within as he imagined the spirals of energy entwining themselves around her spine, joining them in a spiritual union. The soft, melodic sound of the piano played in the background as she swayed. With another soft command, she told him once again to breathe in.

    “Hold,” she said as they held their breath again, motionless, the tension in their bodies palpable. “Now let go,” she whispered, and as they exhaled, the tension seemed to evaporate with their breath. Pangloss felt entranced by her voice and the sound of the piano, instinctively responding to her touch and breathing in sync with the rise and fall of her chest. It seemed as though time stood still as they breathed together and Robin rocked her hips against him.

    Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he noticed the silhouette of a person standing in the doorway of the dancefloor. His heart quickened as he turned to see Robin standing there again, cigarette in hand. Her body was poised just as it had been a few moments before, and the mysterious figure in the doorway began reciting the spell once more.

    â€œThe sundial’s shadow, but in reverse…”

    “Do you see that?” he said, looking back at Robin, who still gently rocked against him.

    “See what, my dear?” she replied softly, her voice unattached yet thoughtful.

    He turned back, but she was gone. “You were standing in the doorway again, reciting the poem,” he said, his tone a mix of confusion and awe.

    Robin’s smile was slow and knowing, her eyes closed as she continued to move with him in smooth, deliberate motions. “Hmmm,” she hummed, her voice a dark, seductive murmur. “It sounds like the magic is working.”

    “That’s supposed to happen?” he asked, his expression uncertain.

    “Nothing is supposed to happen, my love,” she murmured, her voice a soft, low groan as the piano notes flowed seamlessly through the room. As she rocked against him, each chord seemed to linger in the air, gently fading away. “Focus on my chalice, my yoni. Feel the connection as we breathe together,” she said, cupping his face and softly turning his head to look her in the eyes once more. As he stared into her eyes, it felt as though he was sinking deep into their depths. His lingam pulsed harder, his heart overflowing with love as the room seemed to disappear around them once more.

    “When the magic starts, Professor,” she whispered softly, still rocking with him, “time becomes more like a feeling. Like an emotion. It’s possible to become unstuck from that feeling and join your soul with another.”

    “I see,” he replied, not fully understanding but trusting her voice and her guidance.

    “We must remove ourselves from the illusion of time,” she whispered, her voice a soft, hypnotic murmur as the piano notes tumbled out in a cascade of sound that filled the room with its intensity.

    “Sailing time’s ocean, to hear it first…” Pangloss heard the voice again and in an instant saw her apparition once more, standing in the doorway, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

    “Focus on the base of your spine,” she whispered in his ear, and he turned to look at Robin again, her body rocking against his, filling him with warmth and pleasure.

    “How…” he began, his voice trailing off.

    “Don’t worry about that,” she said softly, interrupting him. “Focus on your breath and the feeling inside as your compassion weaves itself into my wisdom, and we leave this illusion behind us, together.”

    He closed his eyes again, and like a whisper, he could hear her voice reciting the words. “The lines once straight, We must now bend…” He felt Robin’s skin against his and he tried to focus his mind on the feeling emanating from inside him. The feeling that bound him to her. The feeling that merged their souls together. Lost in her embrace, the illusion of the room began to fade entirely even as he could still hear the ghostly voice softly repeating its mantra. The walls dissolved into a swirling kaleidoscope of color, the ceiling disappearing to reveal a starlit sky. They were floating in space, weightless, free.

    In the background, the haunting notes of the piano fell like gentle raindrops, each drop nourishing the desert of his soul. The music flowed around them like a river, carrying them away softly on its current.

    The ghostly voice filled the space around them again this time in all directions, like echoing whispers that danced in the starlight. “To dream this dream, which waking will not end,” it whispered.

    Robin leaned in close, holding his face between her hands and pressing her forehead against his own. “Come with me, my love,” she whispered, her breath warm against his skin. “Vienna is where we belong.”