Chapter 5: The Hair Salon

    Pangloss and Robin made their way down a long, outdoor concrete staircase, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the still air. At the bottom, they came to a pile of wooden pallets stacked up against a wall, and hiding behind them in the shadows was an old rusty metal door. Robin reached out and grasped the big metal latch, the sound of metal grinding against metal ringing out as she lifted it. With a heave, she pushed the door open, the hinges creaking in protest.

    “Come on, follow me,” Robin said.

    Stepping inside, they were immediately met with a musty smell, the damp air clinging to their skin like an unwelcome second layer. The odor of stagnant water was pervasive, mixing with the earthy scent of mold and decay. The sound of dripping echoed throughout the passageway, creating an eerie atmosphere that filled their senses and heightened their awareness.

    Robin turned on the flashlight on her phone, casting long shadows on the walls as they walked. The steady drip, drip, drip of water and the shuffling of their feet were the only sounds that broke the silence. Pangloss shuddered as a chill ran down his spine, the cold air hitting him as Robin led the way deeper into the tunnel. The ground beneath their feet was uneven and slick, forcing them to move carefully to avoid slipping on the damp, moss-covered stones. As they ventured deeper, the sound of their footsteps echoed against the concrete walls. They came to a fork in the tunnel, and without a word, Robin gestured to the left and the two of them continued into the unknown depths. 

    A distant rumbling noise began to echo. Pangloss paused, straining to identify the source. He glanced at Robin, a mix of curiosity and concern on his face. The rumbling grew louder, vibrating through the ground beneath their feet. Soon, it was directly above them, a deafening roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the tunnel.

    “What is that?” Pangloss asked, his voice barely louder than the rumbling.

    “That’s the light rail,” Robin replied. “We’re getting close to the Chinatown station.”

    “How much farther do we have?” Pangloss asked.

    “Not far,” Robin replied, then reached down and wrapped her fingers around his hand again. 

    A cold breeze blew past them, carrying a scent that was hard to describe—a mix of rotting wood, dirt, and mildew, but with a sweet, elusive note that Pangloss thought he recognized but couldn’t quite place. Suddenly, the sound of rushing water filled the tunnel, followed by a resonant metallic vibration from a large pipe right next to his head. He flinched, startled by the unexpected noise.

    Robin squeezed his hand reassuringly. “Someone must have flushed a toilet,” she laughed, seeing the look on his face.

   “Funny,” he smiled back, appreciating her attempt at humor.

    The narrow corridor seemed to close in on them as they ventured further. The ceiling was low, causing Pangloss to duck occasionally to avoid hitting his head. The walls, slick with moisture, were covered in patches of mold and graffiti, some of which appeared to be decades old. Stories of people being kidnapped, drugged, and sold to ships as forced laborers in the past whispered through his mind.

    They approached a heavy wooden door marked with a “Do Not Enter” sign. Through the cracks in the aged wood, Pangloss could see nothing but darkness within. Robin pushed the door open, and the beam of her flashlight revealed a messy, unoccupied workshop. The air inside was still and cold, thick with dust and the lingering scent of grease and metal. Workbenches, piles of wood, and toolboxes were scattered throughout, with metal fixtures hanging on the walls and sawdust covering the ground.

    Robin led him to a wall locker on the far side of the workshop. She opened it and pushed aside some old overalls hanging on a hook, revealing a hidden door at the back. With a nod, she motioned for him to follow her through.

    Pangloss peered into the locker and chuckled. “Well, this is it. We’re entering Narnia.”

    Robin grinned. “Very true, and I’ve got some Turkish delight waiting for you on the other side,” she said with an evil wink.

    They stepped through the locker and into an unlit hallway, the air thick with the smell of old wood and leather. As they moved forward, Robin closed the door behind them, and they stood in the dark in complete silence.

    “Welcome to the Hair Salon,” Robin said as she flipped on the hallway light switch. “Prepare to be pampered by your personal stylist” She moved in close again to lean against him and softly touched the sides of his face with her hands, then pressed her lips against his. Pangloss kissed her lips slowly, focusing on one lip at a time. He opened his mouth slightly and touched the tip of his tongue against hers, which instantly made her face light up. She pulled back a little with a huge smile and bit her bottom lip.

    “Come on,” she said, “I want to show you around.”

    They came to the end of the hallway to what looked like a receptionist table. 

    “So I assume the name ‘Hair Salon’ has some connection with the barber shop upstairs,” said Pangloss.

    “Look at you, Professor,” she said with a smile. “You catch on quickly. Yes, upstairs has a very masculine energy, you know, like the classic barber shop atmosphere with the black and white checkered floor and leather barber chairs. Down here the Hair Salon is a place to relax and to feel beautiful and seductive.”

    “So it’s sort of like a contrast between the masculine and feminine,” said Pangloss.

    “Exactly. The two balance each other out.” Robin replied.

    Robin flipped on the lights in the reception area, and four small wall lamps flickered to life in the corners, revealing the decor. As Professor Pangloss scanned the room, he felt like he had just stepped into a time capsule from the 70s. The artwork and furniture, unchanged for over 50 years, were still in remarkably good condition.

    The walls were painted in a warm golden-yellow color, and the wall lamps in the corners cast a soft light across the space and the polished wooden floors. The reception desk was the centerpiece of the room, made of a deep brown wood with a sleek, polished surface. To the left of the desk was a small seating area with a matching sofa and armchair in an avocado green color, with a low glass coffee table in front of it.

    “This is where we do coat check during our invite-only parties,” Robin said. “If your name isn’t on the list, you need to be with someone who is.” She gently tugged on Pangloss’s hand. “Let’s continue.”

    To the right of the reception area, they turned and stepped into a dark room that was bigger than the last. Robin flipped a switch, revealing under the glow of wall lamps a dance floor, complete with a gleaming stripper pole in one corner and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling in the center. A DJ booth stood in another corner, equipped with a turntable and an array of DJ lighting gear positioned on stands around it.

    “This is where you come to unwind, dance to some funky music, and get up close to people you’ve never met before,” Robin said to Pangloss with a smile. “It’s all about letting your body language do the talking.”

    “Kind of like how we met?” Pangloss asked, grinning.

    “Exactly professor,” Robin replied with a playful wink.

    Robin moved to the DJ booth, powered it up, and began flipping through the vinyl records. She selected an album labeled “Friday Night Mix” and, with practiced ease, set the needle on the groove. The first song that began to play was “Le Freak.” She pressed a button, and the disco ball sprang to life, casting glittering lights on the polished floor. Another button activated vibrant spotlights that filled the room with color.

    As the colors danced across the room, so did she, her movements fluid and inviting. Pangloss couldn’t resist joining her, the infectious energy pulling him in. They moved together, Robin brushing her body against him as she moved, keeping steady time with the music. He felt his excitement rising as she danced backward, her eyes beckoning him to follow.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Pangloss noticed a knife lying on the DJ booth. Robin saw his gaze and quickly grabbed it, holding it up to her eye with a mischievous glint. She closed the distance between them, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

    “You know what they say about lesbians, right?” she asked, her tone playful and provocative.

    “They bring a U-Haul on the first date?” he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

    Robin chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, unlike lesbians, girls like me bring a backhoe and a priest. Any last words?” She said as she twirled the knife lightly between her fingers, the metal catching the light and reflecting it in a dazzling display. 

    “Are you planning to use that?” he said, pointing at the knife with a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. “I just met you. How do I know you’re not the next Jeffrey Dahmer?”

    Robin laughed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “No, I’m not Dahmer, but I am going to Hannibal Lecter your brain.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?” he said with a chuckle.

    She grinned. “You know, the Socratic method. I have so much to teach you, Professor.”

    Pangloss raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Should I be taking notes?”

    Robin stepped closer, her eyes locking onto his. “You already passed the exam.”

    “Oh really, I passed already? Did I get an A?” he asked with a playful smile.

    Robin twirled the knife again with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You kept your composure and didn’t get scared, so I’ll give you an A-,” she said with a teasing smile. “The knife is supposed to scare you, and even though I saw a hint of hesitation, you looked more intrigued than worried. We can work with that.” She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. “I like a man who’s curious.” With a wink, she tossed the knife back next to the turntables, the metal clinking against the surface.

    As the music played on, Robin pulled back and looked into his eyes with an intensity he hadn’t seen since the first night they danced at the bar in Seattle. “Come on, dance a little bit closer. You wouldn’t want to make a poor little girl like me cry right here on the dance floor, would you, Professor?” she said while batting her eyes seductively.

    Pangloss shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. “No, of course not. Why would I want to make you cry?”

    Robin’s expression shifted from devious to disappointed, but then a seductive smile slowly spread across her face, accompanied by a smug look of satisfaction. She leaned in as if to kiss him, but instead, she gave him a playful peck on the cheek. “So, what do you say, Professor?” she purred, tracing a finger down his chest. “Ready for the next test?”

    “Will you be providing a study guide?” he quipped, a playful grin spreading across his face.

    Robin chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Oh, I think you’ll do just fine without one,” she replied, her voice filled with confidence.

    She grabbed his forearm and led him off the dance floor, her hips swaying enticingly as they walked. She guided him through another doorway, revealing a series of rooms. “This place has secrets hidden in every corner,” she said, her voice dripping with mystery and allure. “You’ve only just begun to see what it has to offer.”

As they moved down the hallway, the vibrant music and lights of the dance floor began to fade, the sound growing quieter and light growing more distant with each step they took.

    Pangloss asked, “So on a typical night, how many people would you say come to one of these parties?”

    “Oh, maybe 50 to 100, but not all at once,” Robin replied. “People come and go, bouncing between here and other parties. But often, they end the night here because everything else has already died down.”

    Continuing down the hallway, Pangloss noticed signs on the doors that read “Couples.” Robin explained, “These rooms are for when you want to get more intimate, but only if you already have a partner. If you don’t have a partner, you aren’t allowed in these rooms.”

    “I see,” said Pangloss. “But there are rooms for people without partners?”

    “Oh yeah, basically every other room, including the main one, is open to everyone. You can join the fun or just lean back against the wall and voyeur out if you want,” she said with a grin.

    “This is all very new to me,” Pangloss admitted. “I’ve heard of places like this before, but I’ve never actually been inside.”

    Robin chuckled softly, a hint of surprise in her eyes. “You’ve never been to a sex party?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, we’ll have to come back one night for one of Tom’s infamous IRL parties. Follow me, I’ll show you one of the couples rooms.”

    She led him to one of the doors marked “Couples” and opened it.

    “Come on inside,” Robin said, leading Pangloss into one of the couples’ rooms and flipping on the lights. The room was softly lit, with plush furnishings and heavy drapes that created a sense of privacy and intimacy. The walls were adorned with rich, dark fabrics, giving the space a luxurious and intimate feel. The air was filled with the faint scent of incense, and various antique objects decorated the room, including a single plague mask hanging on the wall at the far end. 

    With a mischievous grin, Robin reached for the mask and put it on, turning to Pangloss. She began to dance slowly and seductively to the muffled music from down the hallway. 

    “Are you awake yet, Professor?” she said, her voice slightly deeper and altered by the mask.

    Pangloss smirked, intrigued by her playful demeanor. “I think so,” he replied, a smile spreading across his face. “This place certainly is… interesting.”

    Robin stepped closer, her bright blue eyes peeking out from behind the mask with a mischievous glint. “Good. Because we’re not done yet.”

    She removed the mask and carefully returned it to its place on the wall. Then, taking Pangloss by the hand, they made their way back down the hallway. As they approached the dance floor, the music grew louder, a pulsating rhythm that seemed to sync with their heartbeats. They stepped into the space with colorful lights dancing around them, casting a kaleidoscope of patterns on the walls and floor. As they moved towards the reception area, Robin raised Pangloss’s hand and did a playful twirl under his arm, while flashing him a radiant smile. Her laughter mingled with the music, as they danced their way across the room.

    As they moved into the reception area, the music began to fade, and the lights grew dimmer giving way to a calmer ambiance. They made their way to a doorway that lead into a bar. 

    “This is the original bar from Prohibition days,” Robin said after flipping on the lights. “They kept almost all of it intact and only added a few modern amenities.”

    “The woodwork does feel a bit older than the rest of the decor,” Pangloss replied, his eyes scanning the room.

   The professor noted the details in the intricately carved wooden bar that stretched along one side of the room, its dark rich mahogany gleaming under the soft yellow lighting. Vintage bar stools with plush, red velvet seats lined the counter, inviting patrons to sit and stay for a while. Behind the bar, shelves held an array of antique bottles and glassware, each piece telling a story of a bygone era. The glassware sparkled faintly, catching the light and adding a touch of elegance.

    The walls were adorned with old photographs and memorabilia, capturing the speakeasy’s storied past. Black-and-white images of lively parties and well-dressed patrons from decades ago, along with a vintage cash register, stood as a testament to the establishment’s history. The register, its brass and copper surfaces polished to a warm glow and adorned with ornate designs and mechanical keys, seemed to whisper tales of the ghosts haunting these walls.

    Pangloss took a deep breath, taking in the rich scents of aged wood and old leather that permeated the air and made the entire space feel like a portal to another time. Robin moved behind the bar and poured two shots. She slid one across the polished wooden surface to Pangloss, then raised her own.

    “What are we celebrating?” Pangloss asked.

    “New friends and old secrets,” Robin replied, clinking her shot glass against his.

    Robin then disappeared down into the cabinets under the bar. “I always keep a stash down here,” she said, rummaging through the shelves.

    “Stash of what?” Pangloss inquired.

    “Oh, miscellaneous party favors,” she replied, in a playful tone. “Ah, here they are, mushrooms.”

    She pulled out a small tin and opened it to reveal a supply of dried magic mushrooms. “I like taking mushrooms whenever I’m here. Do you want a little? They aren’t too strong, just enough to give a euphoric, trippy effect.”

    Pangloss raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Sounds interesting. I’ve never tried them before.”

    “No, never?” replied Robin with a surprised look on her face. 

    “No,” he said, “I smoked a little weed in college, but that’s about it.”

    “We’re going to have to change that, Professor,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 

    “I’m not sure if I’m ready,” he replied with an uneasy look.

    “Don’t be scared silly.” she said as she leaned in closer, “Here, open your hand. I’m going to give you one of the smaller ones. Trust me, you’re going to want to be high for this.”

    Pangloss hesitated for a moment, then extended his hand. Robin placed a short slender mushroom with a brown tip in his palm and closed his fingers around it. “Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow,” she said.

    The two of them placed the mushrooms in their mouths at the same time and as Pangloss began to chew his tongue was met with a rich, earthy bitter taste that made him grimace. “That’s not very pleasant,” he admitted.

    Robin laughed softly. “Here, this will help,” she said, reaching into the mini fridge under the bar and taking out an ice cube. She placed the cube into a whiskey glass, poured sugar and lime juice over it, then, examining it closer, decided to sprinkle a bit more sugar on it until it was completely covered. With a playful glint in her eye, she pulled the ice cube from the glass and placed it between her teeth, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

    Pangloss watched her, captivated, as she climbed up onto the bar and sat down in front of him. Leaning in, she draped her arms over his shoulders, bringing her face close to his, offering the ice cube. He took it from her mouth, tasting the sharp tang of lime, the sweetness of sugar, and the cold ice as their lips brushed together.

    Their kiss was slow and sensual, the cold ice melting between them as they passed it back and forth. Robin then reached for the shots she had poured earlier, handing one to Pangloss. 

    “To new experiences,” Robin said, her voice low and alluring.

    “To new experiences,” Pangloss echoed, his eyes locked on hers.

    The professor threw back a shot, the alcohol burning pleasantly down his throat, chasing away the lingering taste of mushrooms. The warmth of the whiskey spread through him as they started making out again, this time with more intensity. Their tongues intertwined as the kiss deepened into a type of tunnel vision and Robin wrapped her legs around him to pull him in tighter.

    Robin stopped for a moment pulling back slightly, her warm breath against his lips. “There’s something else I want to show you,” she whispered, her voice laced with desire.

    Pangloss nodded, his pulse quickening. “Lead the way.”

    Robin unwrapped her legs and slipped off the bar, taking Pangloss by the hand. They made their way past the bar and into the next room, where they were met with a room full of plush beds with 70s-style bed coverings that matched the aesthetic of the space. The walls were adorned with erotic artwork depicting various intimate acts, and in the center of the room stood a large king-sized bed, surrounded by smaller double and queen-sized beds scattered about. The beds were draped in silky sheets, looking inviting and luxurious under the soft lighting. The room was lit by lava lamps on the nightstands, casting multicolored shadows that danced across the walls, adding to the sensual ambiance. Pangloss’s attention was momentarily interrupted by the sound of a new funk song playing on the decks near the dance floor down the hall.

    Robin walked over to one of the nightstands and opened a drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. “We keep the essentials handy,” she said with a playful smile. “There are toys in the drawers too.”

    Pangloss glanced around and noticed a Mickey Mouse hat from Disneyland next to one of the lava lamps. “That’s uhhh … unexpected,” he remarked, nodding towards the hat.

    “You never know what fantasies people might want to explore so you have to be prepared,” Robin replied, pulling him towards the center of the room, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

    “What do you mean,” he replied with a chuckle, “are you trying to tell me that you’re into cartoon characters?”

    Ignoring his question she continued her way to the large king-sized bed in the center and sat down, patting the space next to her with a playful grin.  “Come here,” she teased, as if calling her pet dog.

    Pangloss squinted his eyes in mild annoyance, but the intensity of his attraction for her was clear in the smile on his face. He walked over slowly and sat down next to her, feeling the luxurious softness of the sheets beneath him. Robin leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. 

    “This is where the real fun begins,” she whispered, her voice sending a shiver down his spine.

    Pangloss closed his eyes in anticipation, feeling her hands against his chest. Suddenly, she shoved him hard and backwards onto the bed. His legs flew up as his back hit the mattress, bouncing slightly on the soft sheets. He opened his eyes to see Robin had already stood up and was making her way toward the hallway. After a few steps, she paused and turned around, her gaze locking onto his.

    “I’m going to smoke a cigarette if you want to join me,” she said with a girlish, seductive smile. “Or you can just keep lying there until I get back. The choice is yours.” She cast a teasing glance over her shoulder and continued walking out of the room.

    Pangloss chuckled a little, shaking his head in amusement. After a moment’s hesitation, he got up and followed her out of the room, past the bar, and into the reception area. On the left-hand side, he noticed a door labeled “The Garden.” Robin eagerly pushed open the door, turning on the lights as she entered. The room was suddenly bathed in an array of neon lights, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The floor was covered in artificial turf and the walls were adorned with fake plants and trees, neon sculptures, and white Greek statue lawn ornaments. The sculptures and trees cast eerie shadows, making the room feel alive with movement.

    As Pangloss stepped inside, the sweet smell in the air was stronger than when they first entered the tunnels. He finally recognized it as the distinct aroma of weed. The sweet scent now mingled with the smell of old, stale cigarettes and the synthetic chemical smell of plastic. Robin took a seat on a bench beneath a glowing neon tree, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and started tapping them hard against her hand.

   “So, what do you think of our little neon chapel?” she asked while opening the pack.

    Pangloss smiled, taking in the strange yet captivating scene around him. “It’s like stepping into a hidden corner of Tokyo,” he replied “I can see why you like it.”

    Robin lit a cigarette and took a slow drag, her eyes closing momentarily as a slight look of ecstasy crossed her face. She paused for a moment, then said, 

    “I don’t think I mentioned it before, but nicknames are a big deal here at the Hair Salon. Everyone has one. Someone will eventually give you one too.” Then she paused to take another drag and slowly exhale. “Ma petite nom c’est Paquette,” she purred with a French accent, her voice dripping with dark allure, “Because I am the kindling that set’s the night ablaze – my flame is the one that burns from dusk till dawn. You can breathe me in like a drug, and I’ll course through your veins until you shiver.” Looking at him again with a naughty look, she took another slow deep drag. “I’m everyone’s dirty little secret addiction.”

    Robin wandered around the room, her hands brushing over the leaves of the fake plants, feeling their texture between her fingers. She paused to examine a neon sculpture, its vibrant colors casting a red glow on her face. Reaching out, she touched the cool surface of a white Greek statue, tracing its features with her finger. The faint smoke from her cigarette hung in the air like a delicate mist. Illuminated by the neon lights, the smoke cast an otherworldly glow around her as she moved.

    Picking up a bouquet of plastic flowers, Robin turned to look at Pangloss with a smile then laid down on a white concrete bench in the middle of the garden. 

    “Oh look, your forbidden fruit has died. Save me, Leo!” she joked then closed her eyes.

    Without skipping a beat, Pangloss began walking toward the bench, reciting the words, “O my love, my wife! Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.” He paused, kneeling down next to the bench and leaning in closer.

    Robin lay there with eyes shut, the lit cigarette still in her mouth. “Here’s to my love!” the professor continued, “O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.”

    The professor leaned in closer, but with every inch he moved towards her lips, the harder it became for him to keep the smoke out of his eyes. Just as he was about to cough, Robin cracked one eye open slightly to peek at him, then squealed in delight. She quickly removed the cigarette from her mouth and after tossing the flowers across the room she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Their kiss was fiery and intense, their lips melding together as the sensations of whiskey and smoke intertwined with the aroma of her perfume.

    “Speaking of taboo,” Robin chirped, “there’s one more room I want to show you.”